Our Commitment to Sustainability

At Redblu Graphics and Displays, sustainability forms the foundation of our operations. Our mission is to drive the exhibition industry towards achieving Net Zero by 2045, aligning with Glasgow’s sustainability objectives. We recognise the collective responsibility we bear towards the environment and are dedicated to playing our part. In our commitment to sustainability, we prioritize the ongoing measurement and reduction of our CO2e emissions.

Step Up to Net Zero

In early 2024, we proudly welcomed a Step Up to Net Zero Coordinator to our team. This initiative, funded by Glasgow City Council and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and administered by the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, aims to assist businesses in Glasgow on their sustainability journey.

As we progress along our own sustainability path, we seek to inspire and collaborate with others to foster a positive environmental impact within the events industry.

glasgow chamber of commerce step up to net zero

Our Sustainability Journey So Far…

– Join Glasgow’s journey to Net Zero 2050.

– Calculate Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

– Review waste and recycling.

– Engage supply chain on Net Zero.

– Repurpose tension fabrics.

– Replace laminate vinyl with recyclable alternative.

– Begin calculating Scope 3 emissions.

– Establish carpet and vinyl recycling.

– Replace packing with recyclable alternative.

– Become Carbon Neutral.

– Achieve Tier 5 ESSA Accreditation.

– Switch to renewable energy.

– Reduce waste by 50%.

– Ensure entire supply chain is dedicated to Net Zero.

– Continue to promote industry action.

– Further waste reductions.


8.32 tons CO2e




4.16 tons CO2e

50% reduction since 2023